A Guide to February Flowers Violets, Primroses, and Irises

A Guide to February Flowers: Violets, Primroses, and Irises

When we think of February flowers, the first that comes to mind is roses because of Valentine’s Day. What if we tell you the month actually has three beautiful birth flowers, and none of them are roses?

Make your lover, friend, or family member’s February birthday extra special with this guide. Dive into the beauty of February’s birth flowers and learn about their symbolisms and cultural significance. 

What are the official birth flowers for February?

What are the official birth flowers for February

Contrary to a lot of people’s beliefs, roses are not the official birth flowers of February. February’s birth flowers are violet, primrose, and iris. 

Except for primrose, these flowers are typically purple, like the month’s birthstone, amethyst.

Everything You Need to Know about Violet Flowers

What are some botanical facts about violet flowers?

What are some botanical facts about violet flowers

Violet flowers belong to the Viola genus of flowering plants under the Violaceae family. They have over 500 different species, most of which are found in the Northern Hemisphere.

Some common types include common blue violet, Viola cornuta, bird’s foot violet, sweet violet, wild pansy, and dogtooth violet.

In general, violets are perennial flowering plants. They’re hardy plants that can grow in a wide variety of conditions.

They thrive in moist, well-draining soil under partial shade. Some varieties, however, require more sunlight than others.

What do violet flowers look like?

What do violet flowers look like

Violet plants are known for their attractive flowers. The flowers are usually small to medium-sized and come in a wide range of colors, mostly purple and blue.

They have five petals arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The petals are often rounded with a somewhat irregular edge, giving them a charming and whimsical appearance.

The petals also have intricate patterns and veins, which enhance their beauty. The patterns can vary greatly, making each flower distinct from one another.

The center of the bloom usually has a color that contrasts the rest of the petals, giving the flower a unique touch.

What is the origin of violet flowers?

What is the origin of violet flowers

There is a wide range of violet species, each of which come from different countries and regions. Hence, the botanical origin of violets includes Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa.

The popular variety of the flower called common blue violet is native to North America, while the sweet violet is native to Europe.

On the other hand, the wild pansy variety is native to western Asia and some parts of Europe.

What are the meanings and symbolism of violet flowers?

What are the meanings and symbolism of violet flowers

Violet flowers generally symbolize modesty, humility, faithfulness, remembrance, renewal, everlasting love, and spiritual wisdom.

What do the colors of violet flowers mean?

What do the colors of violet flowers mean

Although violets are often purple and blue, they can also come in white and yellow. Each of these colors carries different symbolisms.

WhiteWhite violet flowers are often associated with innocence and purity.

Recommended use: Send a basket or bouquet of white violets to a friend who recently welcomed a baby.

PurplePurple flowers symbolize mental stability, growth, and peace.

Recommended use: They’d make great gifts for friends who are currently going through a hard time. Violets can show your support for them and hope that they find peace.

BlueBlue violets are highly associated with lesbian love and are often referred to as “lesbian flowers.” This is because in the early 1900s, lesbian women would often give this flower to the woman they liked.

Blue violets are also believed to symbolize everlasting love.

Recommended use: They’d make great filler flowers for a Valentine’s Day bouquet.

YellowYellow violets are less common than purple and blue flowers, but they still carry significant symbolism. They symbolize friendship and happiness.

Recommended use: Use them as a birthday gift for a friend born in February to express your happiness for having them in your life.

What are the symbolisms of violet flowers in different periods in history?

What are the symbolisms of violet flowers in different periods in history
Victorian EraDuring the Victorian Era, violets were used to symbolize modesty and humility. They were often used as posies by women who wanted to fit the societal standards set for women.

Violets were also considered the flower of love, so they were mostly given by men to their significant other.

Because of the flower’s positive symbolism in Victorian England, sending one to an English lover would be a great idea.

Ancient GreeceIn Ancient Greece, violets were used as funeral flowers. They symbolized remembrance of the deceased.

Sweet violets also served as Athens’ symbol around 400 BCE. They were used as ingredients in cooking and making wines.

Their sweet scent also prompted several people to make perfume using them.

Although using violets as funeral flowers was mainly done in the past, it may still offend some Greeks if you send them violets on their birthday.

Ancient RomeSimilar to ancient Greece, Romans also believed violets symbolize remembrance of deceased loved ones.

They also believed that the flowers helped prevent people from getting infected by air-borne diseases, so Romans carried them as a symbol of protection.

What are the religious associations with violet flowers?

What are the religious associations with violet flowers

In Christianity, violets are viewed as a symbol of humility. They’re associated with the Virgin Mary and are said to be the representation of her humility and purity.

It’s believed that they first blossomed when the angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would bear Jesus. Since Gabriel is believed to watch over mankind, violets also became a symbol of protection.

Everything You Need to Know About Primroses

What are some botanical facts about primroses?

What are some botanical facts about primroses

Primroses, also known as Primula vulgaris and English primrose, are hardy perennial plants that belong to the Primula genus of the Primulaceae family.

They prefer cool and moist environments with partial shade. Hence, they typically grow near streams, in moist forests, under bushes, and in meadows.

You’ll mostly find them decorating gardens and grounds from early spring to late summer.

What do primroses look like?

What do primroses look like

Primroses have five heart-shaped petals arranged in a flat, wheel-like shape. These blooms typically grow in clusters in a single leafless stem.

The petals usually come in yellow color, but they may also appear in pink, red, and white. The center of the bloom, however, is usually a darker color of yellow, regardless of the color of the petals. 

What is the origin of primroses?

What is the origin of primroses

Common primrose originated from Europe, southwest Asia, and northwest Africa. However, it can now be found in most parts of the world.

Its name is derived from the Latin word “prima rosa,” which directly translates to “first rose.” The flower was given this name, as it’s one of the first flowers to bloom in spring.

What are the meanings and symbolism of primroses?

What are the meanings and symbolism of primroses

Primroses are rich in symbolism despite their simple appearance. They symbolize youth, young love, protection, and femininity.

Certain species of the flower may also carry a more specific meaning. For example, Japanese primroses symbolize beauty and charm, while the Juliana variety symbolizes softness and motherly love.

What do the colors of primroses mean?

What do the colors of primroses mean
YellowYellow primroses symbolize happiness, friendship, and optimism, which suits the flowers’ bright hue.

Recommended use: Yellow primroses are another flower that can be great birthday gifts for friends and colleagues.

WhiteUnlike most white flowers that symbolize purity, white primroses symbolize mourning and sadness. They’re often used in funerals to remember the beautiful life of the deceased.

Recommended use: Bring them to the gravesite of a family member or friend on their birthdays to celebrate the life they lived.

RedRed primroses represent ardent love and passion.

Recommended use: They can serve as great gifts if you’re celebrating your anniversary in February.

PinkPink primroses are often associated with womanhood and feminine love. They’re also used to express appreciation for a woman’s beauty.

Recommended use: Pack them in a bouquet and give them to someone who is turning 18 or 21 to celebrate adulthood.

BlueBlue primroses are symbols of trust and faith. Hence, they’re sometimes given with the intention of asking the recipient to trust the giver.

They may also symbolize your desire to trust someone.

Recommended use: Give them as a gift to a long-time friend. They can help show your friend that you trust them, and they can trust you too.

What are the cultural associations of primroses?

What are the cultural associations of primroses
CelticIn Celtic folklore, primroses were closely associated with fairies and other mythical beings. It’s believed that they serve as gateways to the fairy realm, and damaging them can anger the fairies.

They also believed that fairies will bless any home with primroses. This is why primroses were seen as symbols of protection.

NorsePrimroses were considered the sacred flowers of Freya, the goddess of love. Hence, they were mostly used to decorate her altars or in ceremonies honoring her.
EnglishDuring the Victorian Era, primroses were used to symbolize youth and young love.

In today’s England, however, they’re mostly used to honor the former prime minister Benjamin Disraeli.

Everything You Need to Know about Iris Flowers

What are some botanical facts about iris flowers?

What are some botanical facts about iris flowers

Iris is a flowering plant genus that belongs to the Iridaceae family. The genus has about 310 species, all of which are hardy perennials.

The most common species of irises that people are familiar with include Iris germanica (bearded iris), the Iris hollandica (Dutch iris), the Iris sibirica (Siberian iris), Iris cristata (crested iris), and Iris ensata (Japanese iris).

Irises are divided into two categories, rhizomatous irises and bulbous irises. Rhizomatous irises refer to the iris species that grow from rhizomes, while bulbous irises refer to those that grow from bulbs.

What do iris flowers look like?

What do iris flowers look like

Iris flowers have two types of petals, the falls and the standards. The standards are usually three petals that stand upright above the falls, while the falls are usually drooping.

They usually come in a variety of colors, but the most common are purple and blue. Other colors include white, yellow, red, pink, and more.

What is the origin of iris flowers?

What is the origin of iris flowers

Iris flowers are native to southeastern Europe, with many believing they were first discovered in Greece.

However, with over 300 different species, the exact location of each species is hard to pinpoint. Some were cultivated in Asia, and some in North America.

Irises are also extremely adaptable, so they’re now grown in most parts of the world. They thrive best in countries with dry and semi-arid climates.

What are the meanings and symbolism of iris flowers?

What are the meanings and symbolism of iris flowers

Iris flowers symbolize courage, hope, faith, and wisdom. They’re also often used as symbols of monarchs because of their graceful appearance.

What do the colors of iris flowers mean?

What do the colors of iris flowers mean
WhiteWhite irises symbolize purity and peace.

Recommended use: They’d make great decorations for baby showers.

BlueBlue irises are often associated with trust, loyalty, and optimism.

Recommended use: Gift them to a long-time lover to symbolize your loyalty to them.

PurpleAs one of the most common colors of iris flowers, purple irises carry most of the general symbolism of irises. They symbolize wisdom, royalty, and strength.

Recommended use: Purple irises would be a great gift to a friend who’s about to enter a new chapter in their life.

YellowYellow irises are usually associated with passion and devotion.

Recommended use: They’d make great alternatives for roses on Valentine’s Day.

RedRed is often associated with romance. As such, red irises are used to represent romantic love.

Recommended use: Red irises are great just-because gifts for your lover.

They can also be used as decorations for your engagement party.

PinkWhile red irises are used to express romantic love, pink irises express a much broader kind of love. They represent love, including familial and platonic love.

Recommended use: Gift them to a family member or friend celebrating their birthday in February to express your love.

What are the cultural symbolisms of iris flowers?

What are the cultural symbolisms of iris flowers
EnglandIris flowers were used to express admiration and faith during Queen Victoria’s reign.

They were also seen as symbols of courage by many.

Until today, these symbolisms are widely tied to iris flowers. Hence, some English people who are interested in floriography still give iris flowers to people they like.

GreeceIn Greece, it’s believed that planting irises on the gravesites of deceased family members can guide them to the afterlife.

This belief started in ancient Greece when people believed that the goddess Iris would escort the dead to their final resting place.

As such, gifting iris flowers to a Greek person on their birthday may not be the best idea, even if their birth month happens to be February.

ChinaMany Chinese people believe that having Irises at home can protect them from negative energy.

Giving irises to a Chinese person can express your desire to protect them.

JapanIrises carry positive symbolism in Japan, so giving them to a Japanese person shouldn’t cause any problems.

They symbolize kindness, purity, and strength. They’re also believed to repel negative energy.

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