Monstera plants grow at varying rates, depending on their species. For instance, most, including the Swiss cheese plant and Monstera standleyana, grow from 1 to 2 feet per year.
On the other hand, some like the shingle plant and Monstera esqueleto get bigger 4 to 10 inches a year, and bigger ones such as the mini monstera grow a whopping 6 to 12 feet a year.
But, like turtle vines, these flowering plants tend to naturally grow in a sideward rather than an upward or vertical fashion. And in order to grow them fast, you need to care for them properly.
In this guide, we will delve more into the growing habit of monsteras, how to care for them, and more!
Basic Information about the Monstera

The monstera is an evergreen vine plant with very large and attractive leaves. It’s known to grow to an extraordinary size in pots or along trellises and walls.
They hail from the tropical regions of Central and South America and are now cultivated and sold across the globe.
This plant is beloved for its unique leaf patterns, which are often round, graceful open cutouts and holes. In fact, the Swiss cheese plant got its name from its cheese-hole-like patterns.
Aside from that, wild monsteras can bear white blooms that resemble those of the calla and peace lilies, as they share the same family and genus.
What’s more, the Monstera deliciosa variety, in particular, also produces a safe and edible fruit known as the Mexican breadfruit.
Should I grow monsteras indoors or outdoors?

You can grow monstera either indoors or outdoors depending on your preference. Don’t worry, as they won’t become too gigantic like the ones in their native habitat (growing up to a wondrous 70 feet).
The reason is that there are a lot of limitations in the city where most people live in. The monstera hardly meets its true temperature, humidity, and daylight needs here.
Besides that, you might not have enough space in your house or garden for the plant to grow comfortably, so it’s usually grown in a potting vessel.
Plus, bear in mind they’re unlikely to produce fruit and flowers due to the extremely different conditions between urban and natural settings.
What is the growth habit of monsteras?

Monsteras can grow in their native hot and humid habitat through their subterranean or aerial roots.
With the first type of root, they grow on garden beds and pot containers sidewise, and with the second, the roots adapt and attach to a tree or branch and grow from there to great heights.
And as we said before, this tropical plant inherently grows in spread rather than in height. However, it can be grown vertically if you support the plant with stakes or trellises.
The growing season of monsteras is from early spring to mid-fall. In late fall to winter, they enter dormancy, as they’re starting to receive less sun due to the days becoming shorter.
What are the specific growth rates of each monstera species?

There are 48 known species of lovely monstera plants. Each of them grows in different styles and sizes that can appeal to various people.
Here’s a table below detailing their specific spread growth rate per year:
How long does it take a monstera to reach its mature size?

It would take approximately two to three years for the monstera to reach its impressive full size and maturity.
Speaking of size, their height indoors can grow from 10 to 15 feet tall and up to 16 feet wide. Each of their leaves can stretch 18 inches across or more. After all, they’re called monsteras for a reason!
Also, if you have bred your current mature monstera, expect rooting in several months plus a couple of years before they’re fully grown.
How do I make my monsteras fast-growing?

For your monstera to grow wonderfully and at a healthy, speedy rate, you’d have to plant and maintain it correctly and religiously.
To achieve this, ensure that you meet its particular needs as indicated below:
- Soil
The ideal soil for monsteras is compact, well-draining, and rich in nutrients. For this, use a good houseplant potting soil with peat moss.
Or you can create soil with peat moss, perlite, coconut fibers, and pine barks, which greatly help in moisture retention, air circulation, and/or nutrient absorption of the plant.
Additionally, check that the plant’s soil is a bit acidic having a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 because this affects nutrient intake.
- Sunlight
Set your monsteras at a spot where they can receive filtered or shaded sunlight. That’s because direct and afternoon sunlight may burn their leaves and hinder their growth.
Sometimes it can also happen that your house doesn’t receive much light. In this event, you can pick up grow lamps or fluorescents from your plant nursery or flower boutique.
- Temperature and Moisture Level
Monsteras fare well in most house temperatures of 65℉ to 85℉ (18.33℃ to 29.44℃).
While they can tolerate cold zones as low as 50℉ (10℃), their growth will most likely be put at a standstill or be negatively affected.
Along with this, a moisture level above 40 percent is ideal for this type of plant. If the leaves are starting or have become dry, spritzing them with fresh water can help.
- Watering
Watering this flowering plant every one to two weeks should do. But it must only be done when the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil has become dry.
To know this, you can simply put a finger or small wooden stick into the soil and check whether it’s dry or not.
Also, keep in mind that if the weather is warm and dry, you would most certainly need to water the plant more frequently.
- Pot Vessel
Plastic and ceramic pot vessels are some good container options, as they retain moisture that’s conducive to the monstera’s growth.
In addition, as much as possible, get one with drainage holes in them so the soil won’t be overly soaked. See, moist soil for the plant is good but not sodden soil because it can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves.
And as to the size of the plant, your selected pot container should be 1 to 2 inches larger than the monstera’s root ball. This allows the plant to have ample and comfortable space to grow for at least a year.
- Staking
To support their towering size, monsteras need staking or a different form of support. Without these, they may not be able to reach their widest or tallest size and grow at the fastest rate.
Staking the plant can be done by placing the supports securely in the soil, tying its vines to them, and guiding its aerial roots over them. As the plant can have excess, burdensome leaves or branches, you can prune them to encourage cleaner and better growth.
- Repotting
Usually, repotting a monstera can be done every two to three years when it becomes too large for its home.
In some instances, if you somehow see that the plant is going to overgrow its vessel, you can repot it in early spring before the leaves sprout.
Moreover, make sure that you choose the correct-sized container (1 to 2 inches larger than the plant’s root ball) and use dense and nutrient-rich soil for the monstera.
FAQs about the Monstera Plant

- Are monstera plants easy to care for?
Most monstera plants are very easy to care for. They only need indirect light and moist but not soaked potting soil with peat moss.
Even the rarer varieties, such as the Monstera obliqua and Monstera punctulata aren’t hard to care for—just a bit hard to maintain due to their specific demands.
- What light intensity is best for monsteras?
In a nutshell, monsteras prefer moderate to high shaded sunlight five to eight hours a day. The morning sun is the best for them because it’s less intense than the noon and afternoon sun.
Remember, though, to place the plant at least a short distance away from the window or glass door to prevent the leaves from drying and getting burned by the sun.
- How long does it take for a monstera to grow new leaves?
Like the plant’s spread rate, monstera grows new leaves at a varying rate based on its species. The famous Swiss cheese plant is known to be able to grow 60 to 70 leaves in one year.
But others like the Monstera obliqua don’t go beyond growing three new leaves per year.
- What is the difference between Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii?
Both the Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii are called Swiss cheese plants. Despite that, they have different leaf sizes with the first having large leaves and the second with dwarf ones.
More Plant Care Guides
Other than this knowing how fast monsteras grow, you might want to check out our other plant care guides below: